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      Empress Technical News – September 2009

    Empress Hierarchical Query
    Retrieve Hierarchical Data Naturally or Tree Walking Made Easy


    Empress Ultra Embedded 10.20 offers many useful features forapplication developers. One of those features is the Empress Hierarchical Query.

    Empress Hierarchical Query

    A standard relational database does not store data in a hierarchical way. How can you get data from a relational database in a hierarchical manner?  The new Empress Hierarchical Query feature is the answer.

    Empress has extended its relational data management system to satisfy data retrievals that better reflect real world requirements. In many cases, these real world requirements deal with data that is hierarchical in nature. Performing those retrievals in the most efficient and natural manner has   been an objective of many database application developers.

    Empress Hierarchical Query   is an extension of a self-join and works on a single table that contains data in a virtual hierarchical data structure.

    An example of a hierarchical structure is a company organizational chart. We will use the sample personnel table data from the Empress User’s Manual and add title and manager_id attributes in order to make a hierarchical structure.

    The personnel table is given in the Figure 1.  Its hierarchical representation is shown in the Figure 2.

              Figure 1.   personnel table data



                                    Figure 2. A hierarchical representation of the personnel table (organizational chart)

    If a table containshierarchical data, you can retrieve table records in a hierarchical order using the following clauses:

    START WITH – You can specify the starting root record of the hierarchy using this clause.

    CONNECT BY  – You can specify the relationship between parent records and child records of the hierarchy using this clause.

    WHERE – You can restrict the records returned by the query without affecting other records of the hierarchy using this clause.


    A simplified SELECT syntax that includes support for the hierarchical queries is as follows:


          SELECT …


                                [ WHERE_CLAUSE ]

                                [ START WITH start_with_condition ]

                                CONNECT BY connect_condition

                                [ SORT_CLAUSE ]



    Empress uses the information in these clauses to form a hierarchy by doing the following steps:

    1. Empress selects the root record(s) of the hierarchy. These are the records that satisfy the condition start_with_condition.

    2. Empress selects the child records of each root record. Each child record must satisfy the condition connect_condition with respect to one of the root records.

    3. Empress selects successive generation of the child records. Empress first selects the children of the records returned by step 2, and then the children of those children, and so on. Empress always selects children by evaluating the connect_condition with respect to a current parent record.

    4. If the query contains a WHERE_CLAUSE, Empress removes all records from the hierarchy that do not satisfy the condition of the WHERE_CLAUSE. Empress evaluates the condition for each record individually, rather than removing all the children of a record that doesn't satisfy the condition.

    start_with_condition the record(s) to be used as the root(s) of a hierarchical query. The clause specifies a condition that the roots must satisfy. If you omit this clause, Empress will use all records in the table as root records.

    connect_condition specifies the relationship between parent and child records in a hierarchical query. This clause contains a condition that defines this relationship.

    connect_condition includes   the PRIOR operator that must have one of these forms:

          PRIOR expr  comparison_operator expr

          expr comparison_operator PRIOR expr

    The connect_condition contain other conditions to further filter the records by the query.

    In the following example we are going to create table personnel, populate it with data and execute several retrieval commands utilizing Empress Hierarchical Query

    SQL> CREATE personnel (id SMALLINT, name CHAR (10),

            phone CHAR (10), title CHAR (15), manager_id SMALLINT)

    SQL> INSERT INTO personnel

    (id, name, phone, title, manager_id)

    VALUES (

            10," Kilroy" ," 426-9681" ," SW DEVELOPER" ,17,

            5," Mosca" ," 544-2243" ," SALES REP" ,8,

            17," Wladislaw" ," 723-6073" ," R& D MANAGER" ,4,

            3," Jones" ," 667-2951" ," TESTER" ,17,

            8," Peterson" ," 978-6060" ," SALES MANAGER" ,4,

            4," Scarlatti" ," 961-7363" ," CEO" ,NULL,

            9," Jordan" ," 964-3335" ," CFO" ,4


    The following commandselects all the records from the table


          id name              phone                                manager_id

          10 Kilroy          426-9681      SW DEVELOPER                        17

            5  Mosca            544-2243      SALES REP                                8

          17 Wladislaw    723-6073      R& D MANAGER                          

            3  Jones            667-2951      TESTER                                   

            8  Peterson      978-6060      SALES MANAGER                        4

            4  Scarlatti    961-7363      CEO

            9  Jordan          964-3335      CFO                                            4


    The following command selects all the records from the table personnel in the hierarchical manner starting with the record that has title equal to “CEO”.


    SQL> SELECT * FROM personnel

    START WITH title=" CEO"

    CONNECT BY PRIOR id=manager_id

          id name              phone                                manager_id

            4  Scarlatti    961-7363      CEO

          17 Wladislaw    723-6073      R& D MANAGER                          

          10 Kilroy          426-9681      SW DEVELOPER                        17

            3   Jones            667-2951      TESTER                                    17

            8  Peterson      978-6060      SALES MANAGER                        4

            5  Mosca            544-2243      SALES REP                                8

            9  Jordan          964-3335      CFO                                           

    The following command selects all the records from the table personnel in the hierarchical manner starting with the record that has title equal to “SALES MANAGER”.

    SQL> SELECT * FROM personnel


    CONNECT BY PRIOR id=manager_id

          id name              phone            title                      manager_id

            8  Peterson      978-6060      SALES MANAGER                        4

            5  Mosca            544-2243      SALES REP                                8

    The following command selects all the records from the table personnel in the hierarchical manner using only two levels of hierarchy and starting with the record that has title equal to “CEO”. In order to specify only two levels of hierarchy a pseudo column LEVEL is used (i.e. LEVEL < 3)

    SQL> select * from personnel

    START WITH title=" CEO"

    CONNECT BY PRIOR id=manager_id and LEVEL< 3

      id  name              phone                                manager_id

        4  Scarlatti    961-7363      CEO

      17  Wladislaw    723-6073      R& D MANAGER                          

        8  Peterson      978-6060      SALES MANAGER                        4

        9  Jordan          964-3335                                                4

    Instead of Summary

    Using Empress Hierarchical Queries, you can easily retrieve records by their natural hierarchical relationship from a RDBMS table. Tree walking enables you to walk a virtual hierarchical tree, for relationships in the same table, and select data by their natural hierarchical relationship.

    Examples of hierarchical data include:

    • employees in an organizational chart
    • data in a bill of materials scenario in which a   product has one or more components and those components   have subcomponents and so on
    • a family tree
    • complex project data consisting of many task and subtasks representing multiple levels of hierarchy
    • manufacturing operation charts with many levels

    Empress Hierarchical Queries are included in the latest Empress Ultra Embedded V10.20.

    Empress Hierarchical Queries allow you to traverse virtual trees in a relational database using any Empress SQL interface, ODBC, JDBC and the Empress kernel level MR interface. Just give Empress a hierarchical query clause with the record representing the starting node of the tree and the relationship between parent and child nodes and you get the data you want.

    Empress Software Inc.


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