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    Empress Technical News – July 2010  

    Empress ADO.NET Data Provider
      .NET Programmers Gain Flexible Access to Empress Embedded Database

    Empress Software, developers of the advanced, agile Empress Embedded Database, launch a new Empress ADO.NET Data Provider bringing the high performance Empress embedded database to .NET programmers.  ADO.NET is a popular set of software components that programmers can use to access data and data services in the Microsoft
    ® .NET framework including relational, XML and application data.  Via the Empress ADO.NET Data Provider, application developers programming in .NET can now take full advantage of the rich functionality of the Empress relational database management system (RDBMS) including different .NET framework programming languages such as C++, C# or Visual Basic (VB),  local database access for true embedded applications, and support for multiple languages via Unicode.

    Microsoft ADO.NET Architecture
    The ADO.NET components have been designed to separate data access from data manipulation. There are two central components of ADO.NET that accomplish this: the DataSet, and the .NET Framework data provider.

    The following diagram illustrates the components of ADO.NET architecture.

    Microsoft ADO.NET Architecture

                                                            Figure 1: Microsoft
    ® ADO.NET Architecture

    The Microsoft® .NET Framework Data Providers are components that have been explicitly designed for data manipulation and fast, forward-only, read-only access to data. The Connection object provides connectivity to a data source. The Command object enables access to database commands to return data, modify data, run stored procedures, and send or retrieve parameter information. The DataReader provides a high-performance stream of data from the data source. Finally, the DataAdapter provides the bridge between the DataSet object and the data source.

    The DataSet component is provided by .NET framework. It uses the DataAdapter object from the data provider to populate its content and send changes back to data source.

    Empress ADO.NET Data Provider Architecture
    To utilize its own database as a data source, Empress Software implements the .NET Framework data provider component. The .NET Framework data provider enables connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results. It is defined in .NET framework as a set of interfaces and classes.

    Figure 2 below is an architecture view of Empress ADO.NET data provider.

    Empress ADO.NET Data Provider Architecture
                                            Figure 2: Empress ADO.NET Data Provider Architecture

    The EmpressConnection, EmpressCommand, EmpressDataReader, EmpressDataAdapter, and other Empress objects are ADO.NET objects implemented by Empress. They are used by .NET applications to establish a connection to an Empress database, execute a SQL command, read results from a query and execute other Empress database operations.

    The Empress ADO.NET data provider supported objects handle lower level communication with the Empress Connectivity Server. They handle the Empress client /server protocol. In the case of Empress local access, they utilize the Empress Database Engine via Empress Kernel Level MR API.

    Empress ADO.NET Data Provider Two Modes of Operation
    Empress ADO.NET Data Provider works in two modes:  Client/Server and Local Access modes. 

    In the Client/Server mode, the data provider communicates with Empress Connectivity Server directly through TCP/IP network, providing .NET applications with database access to any platform including Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows CE on 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. 

    Figure 3 shows the Empress ADO.NET Data Provider in Client/Server Mode.
    Empress ADO.NET Data Provider in Client/Server Mode
                                        Figure 3: Empress ADO.NET Data Provider in Client/Server Mode

    If no server is required, the unique Empress Local Access mode is ideal for embedded solutions and those applications that require high performance local database access.  In Local Access mode, Empress runs in the same address space as the application, a valuable savings in size when resource constraints are tight.

    Figure 4 shows the Empress ADO.NET Data Provider in Local Access Mode.

    Empress ADO.NET Data Provider in Local Access Mode
                                                  Figure 4: Empress ADO.NET Data Provider in Local Access Mode

    Empress is flexible enough to allow .NET applications to simultaneously use the Empress ADO.NET Data Provider in Client Server and Local Access modes.

    Figure 5 shows the Empress ADO.NET Data Provider used simultaneously in local access and client/server modes of operation.

    Empress ADO.NET Data Provide Local & Server Mode
    Figure 5
    : Empress ADO.NET Data Provider in Local Access and Client/Server Modes of Operation

    An Example
    The following Empress ADO.NET example shows how to create an Empress database from scratch and execute a sequence of SQL commands on the newly created Empress database.

    using System
    using System.Collections.Generic
    using System.Linq
    using System.Text
    using System.Data
    using System.Data.Common
    using Empress.Data.EmpressProvider

    namespace EmprssMakeDB
    class EmpressMakeDB
    static void Main(string[] args)

    DbConnectionStringBuilder csb = DbConnectionStringBuilder()

    // Set current database to " -" to tell database engine not
    // to open any database
    csb.ConnectionString = " Server=NONE database=- "
    csb.Add(" User" , Environment.UserName)

                          EmpressLocalConnection localConnection =

    localConnection.ConnectionString = csb.ToString()


    EmpressCommand command = new EmpressCommand()
    command.Connection = localConnection
    // First try to remove database
    command.CommandText = " drop database 'new_db'"
    catch (Exception e)

    // create new database
    command.CommandText = " create database 'new_db'"
    //close the dummy connection

    // make new connection to the new database
    csb.ConnectionString = " Server=NONE database=new_db "
                          csb.Add(" User" , Environment.UserName)
    localConnection.ConnectionString = csb.ToString()

    command.Connection = localConnection

                                  command.CommandText = " create table table_1 (id int, memo text)"


                                  command.CommandText = " insert into  table_1 values (@id, @memo)"

    EmpressParameter p1 = new EmpressParameter(" @id" )

                    EmpressParameter p2 = new EmpressParameter(" @memo" )

    p1.Value = 1
    p2.Value = " Hello"

    p1.Value = 2
                p2.Value = " local access is cool and fast"

    command.CommandText = " select * from table_1"
    EmpressDataReader rd = command.ExecuteReader()
    while (rd.Read())
    catch (Exception e)




    ADO.NET Instead of Summary

    • ADO.NET is a set of classes that expose data access services to the .NET programmer. 
    • ADO.NET is an integral part of the .NET Framework, providing access to relational, XML, and application data.
    • ADO.NET supports a variety of development needs, including the creation of front-end database clients and middle-tier business objects used by applications, tools, languages, or Internet browsers.  
    • ADO.NET is the most widely used API for .NET programmers to access relational databases.
    • ADO.NET allows programming languages such as C++, C# or Visual Basic to be used for application development.

    Empress ADO.NET Data Provider Instead of Summary

    • Empress ADO.NET Data Provider brings the high performance Empress database to Windows application developers.
    • Empress ADO.NET Data Provider fully supports the rich functionality of the Empress database in the .NET framework.
    • Empress ADO.NET Data Provider is available in client/server mode and local access mode.
    • Empress ADO.NET Data Provider in Local Access mode doesn’t require any servers and is very suitable for high performance embedded applications.
    • Empress ADO.NET Data Provider in Local Access mode runs in the same address space as the application.
    • Empress ADO.NET Data Provider supports multiple languages via Unicode.
    • Empress ADO.NET Data Provider supports multiple platforms such as Windows XP, Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit architectures), Windows CE.

    Empress Software Inc.



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