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    Empress Technical News -  February 2013

    Empress SDK v1.0 for Android
    Database Power Tools for Android Application Developers


    Google’s Android is a modified Linux platform for the development of software targeted to mobile embedded devices. Android, based on Linux technology, is a restricted operating system and software stack for mobile devices that includes middleware and certain key applications. It enables developers to write Java code for the embedded device using Google-developed Java libraries and executed using a Dalvik Virtual Machine.

    To address the ever-growing need for more powerful, complex, reliable and efficient database Android applications Empress Software introduced its Empress SDK for Android v1.0.

    Empress SDK for Android v1.0 supports the open database access standard JDBC API. The SDK helps developers create new database applications or migrate existing database applications to Android quickly.

    System Requirements for Empress SDK for Android v1.0
    Empress SDK for Android v1.0 works with the Eclipse based Android development environment on Microsoft Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS X host machines. It requires the following software. 

    • Android SDK r08 or higher
    • Android Platform 2.2 or higher
    • JDK 6
    • Eclipse 3.5 and ADT Plugin for Eclipse
    • Empress SDK for Android v1.0

    Contents of the Empress SDK for Android v1.0
    The SDK is delivered as a ZIP file:


    and includes the following components:


    Empress Ultra Embedded v10.20 documentation is the standard Empress documentation in HTML format and some parts of this documentation may not apply for Android application development. The most useful parts for Android Java application development are the following sections:

                A4: SQL Reference
              B5: JDBC Interface
              A5: Database Administrator's Guide

    Before installing the Empress SDK for Android v1.0, you need to set up the appropriate Android SDK on the host machine of your choice.

    Here's an overview of the steps you must follow to set up the Android SDK:

    1. Prepare your development computer and ensure it meets the system requirements.
    2. Install the Android SDK starter package.
    3. Install the ADT Plugin for Eclipse (if you'll be developing in Eclipse).
    4. Add Android 2.2 platform and other components to your SDK.

    Installing Empress SDK for Android v1.0
    Unpack to a safe location on your machine. By default, the SDK files are unpacked into a directory named empress_sdk_android_v1.0.

    To develop Java JDBC code with Empress database, two steps are required to plug in Empress SDK with your Android Java Applications.

    Step One:   Add to the Java Build Path of your Android application project as shown in Figure 1

    Figure 1: Add empressJDBC.jar to the Java Build Path of your Android application project

    1.      the Package Explorer panel, right-click on your project and select Properties.
          Select Java Build Path, then the tab Libraries.
    Press the Add External JARs... button and select the empressJDBC.jar file from the location the Empress SDK was installed.

    Step Two: Add Empress native library to your application project. For example, copy file to < PROJECT_DIR> /libs/armeabi

    Develop Empress Java Applications for Android
    The Empress sample project EmpressJDBCSample included in the Empress SDK for Android v1.0 zip file has all the Empress components pre-configured so that users can try it and run it in their Android emulator or a real device environment. Figure 2 describes the EmpressJDBCSample directory structure:


    Figure 2: EmpressJDBCSample Directory Structure

    Set up Empress Working Directory on the Android Target
    At runtime, Empress database engine needs a working directory to store temporary files when necessary.

    By default, Empress database for Android will create a directory " empress/tmp" under the system temporary directory on the device. It gets the system temporary directory by querying the values of Java system property "" .

    If you want to specify an application specific location for Empress working directory, you can do so by calling:

      com.empress.jdbc.EmpressDriver.setWorkingDir(" Absolute_PATH" )

    before making JDBC connections in your program.

    For example:

    Class.forName(" com.empress.jdbc.EmpressDriver" )


    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(database_url, " USERID" , " PASSWORD" )


    Instead of Summary
    To address the ever-growing need for more powerful, complex, reliable and efficient database driven Android applications, Empress Software has provided the Empress SDK for Android v1.0. Empress SDK for Android v1.0 supports standard JDBC API. It helps developers create new database applications or migrate existing database applications to Android quickly and with minimal effort.


    Empress Software Inc.


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