            Extreme 4   How to Create Empress ODBC Local Access Runtime Configuration on Microsoft Windows Platforms Introduction The purpose of this technical note is to give an overview on how to create Empress ODBC Local Access Runtime configuration on Microsoft WinXP/2K/NT Platforms. It is useful for those ODBC application developers who would like to provide their application on the target runtime system with its own installation procedure, therefore avoiding regular Empress ODBC Driver/Empress RDBMS installation.
The procedure to create Empress ODBC Step 1: The following files need to be
installed in the runtime environment: C:\Empress is the directory where Empress Runtime will be created. Step 2: Create the Following Settings for Empress RDBMS Runtime [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Empress Software Inc.] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Empress Software Inc.\Empress] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Empress Software Inc.\Empress\v8.62-B(Latin1)] @=" " EMPRESSPATH" =" C:\\Empress" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Empress Software Inc.\Empress 8.62(Latin1)] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Empress Software Inc.\Empress 8.62(Latin1)\8.62-B] C:\Empress is the directory where Empress Runtime will be created. Step 3: Create the following settings for Empress ODBC Local Access runtime  [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\Empress ODBC Local Access Interface [Default]] " Setup" =" C:\\WINNT\\System32\\EmpOdbcBcsDrv.dll" " Driver" =" C:\\WINNT\\System32\\EmpOdbcBcsDrv.dll" " ConnectFunctions" =" YYY" " DriverODBCVer" =" 03.51" " APILevel" =" 1" " SQLLevel" =" 1" " FileUsage" =" 0" " UsageCount" =dword:00000001 " CPTimeout" =" < not pooled> " Step 4: Register Empress ODBC Local Access Runtime  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers String : Empress ODBC Local Access Interface [Default] Value : Installed
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\Your_dsn_name] " Driver" =" C:\\Empress\\v8.62-B.Latin1\\bin\\odbcbcs.dll" " Description" =" " " Server" =" " " Port" =" " " Database" =" Your_Database_Location" " CodeSet" =" Latin1" " TraceFile" =" " " TraceLevel" =" 0" " TranslationDLL" =" " " TranslationName" =" " " TranslationOption" =" 0" " DefaultHome" =" ." " DefaultPwd" =" " " DefaultUID" =" " " ODBCLEVEL" =" 2" " ODBCVERSION" =" 03.51" " CACHE_SIZE" =" 263168" " CACHE_BTSIZE" =" 263168" " CACHE_FSIZE" =" 263168" " PACKET_SIZE" =" 4096" " Your_dsn_name" is the name of the DSN. " Your_Database_Location" should be defined as logical database if Empress Global Data Dictionary is used or a physical database path. Step 6: Register Empress ODBC Local Access DSN  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources String : Your_dsn_name Value : Empress ODBC Local Access Interface [Default] Step 7: Create a database A database can be created using the following command on the development machine  empmkdb -noshmem database_name and copied into the runtime environment.
A database can also be created with Empress shared memory settings and copied into the runtime environment. First time the database gets accessed the required shared memory segment(s) will be created on the target system. Step 8: Create Empress Global Data Dictionary (Optional) If third party products, such as Microsoft Visual Basic, Excel, .NET are used to access Empress database, Empress Global Data Dictionary must be created. Create Empress Global Data Dictionary file as follows,
The Windows environment variable MSGLOBALDATADICTIONARY must be set to point to the above file.
Conclusion The above steps are needed to create a minimum set of components for the Empress ODBC Local Access Runtime configuration. If more components are to be added (e.g. additional tools/utilities) into Empress ODBC Local Access runtime configuration, please contact Empress technical support at [email protected] for further help. |